Monday, May 6, 2013

Mondovi #6 4/17/13

April 17th 2013

Today I taught the second half of my lesson for the fist time. It went really well and the students behaved perfectly!  The first day we did this project it was so chaotic that it was hard to keep the classes attention because all they wanted to do was work with the Model Magic.  They acted more independently this class period and did not come to me for as many questions. I was only there for a couple of morning classes and did not get to work with my other third graders that day. I hope the next one goes as well as this one did. My CT likes my lesson and is going to use it in her class next year. It is a fun and easy lesson that introduces them to texture and design. Although I still need more practice I want to continue to use this lesson in the future. They other classes worked in their sketchbook and drew aliens. It was so fun to walk around and see what different things each student came up with. Their imaginations at this level just amaze me. This is why we cannot allow art to be taken out of school. Without encouraging this type of creativity it can often be lost, instead we need to be constantly encouraging this type of creativity so that their minds are able to think outside of the box and create something no one has ever seen before! 

Why my CT became a teacher
She loves kids and she loves art so it sounded like the perfect plan/mixer and became a teacher. She didn’t even think about when she was in high school, but by her early 20’s she wanted to do something more meaningful than working at the mall. She didn’t know weather she wanted to be an elementary teacher or an art teacher but she had a natural ability in art so she felt that was the better direction to go in. 

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