Monday, May 6, 2013

Mondovi #3 4/3/13

Today the first class of the day were 3rd graders and they had a new student so my CT found her a seat. Then she started the lesson about Henry Métis. She grabbed it right before class and looked up images on Google.  They talked about reflections, patterns. She asked her students about what they saw in the picture. The students would raise their hands and talk about different things in the painting. Then she told the students what they would be doing today. She said they are going to be working on a still life. She talked about their paper size and if it would go horizontal or vertical. She drew an example on the board doing each step in order. Their objectives were to draw at least 2 fish and 3 patterns in the background and have it on a table. Then they use pencil and then trace it in marker. Later they will paint it.  The students were all very creative when drawing their fish in the tanks or vases. It was so fun to watch them create using their imaginations. A few students would ask me how to draw a certain type of fish. I would explain what I might do but I was not positive. If we were to do this again I would show them some pictures of fish. At the end of class she asked them things like what was the name of Metis’s painting, what did it have in the painting, anything else they could remember, any details they remember, and so on. When they answered she would let them go line up at the door one by one if the answer was correct. 
The second class of the day has arrived. Her second class were 2nd graders. They are studying Paul Cezanne and his still life.  She asked them what was similar about the pictures she had on the board. She would only call on the students that were quiet and behaving. Students were very restless as if they just came in from recess or were being active like P.E. This class was slightly larger than the last. Most of the time students look like they are seated boy-girl-boy-girl. She asked them to explain what they think a still life is. They all thought it was a picture of something that looks real. She said a still life was of images that do not move and usually sit on a table. When students would get to loud my CT would clap a PBIS clap where all students know to clap along with, instead of turning off the lights or something like that. She drew an example on the board. She is showing them simple ways to draw so that the students would not get discouraged if they have difficulties drawing circles.  She said apples are not perfect circles so do not worry if they are not perfect. The objectives were to draw a table, a plate or bowl, a placemat, and apples. They will have about 3 art periods to work on this project. My CT talked to me about why the students are so hyper she said they have a lot of children with behavior problems in this class and they have always been a more active group of students even since kindergarten. She has these buckets in the back of the class with hand pencil sharpeners where the students can go to sharpen their pencils instead of having an electric or wall sharpener. It was a great idea and she said this way they don’t lose the sharpener in the trash if they can do it over buckets. When noise level goes up she will clap or say “0 voice level” which is the rule the school follows for PBIS. They also allow the students to talk loader during work time and cleanup. One of the little girls came up to me at the end of class before she lined up and said “It was nice to meet you Ms. McKeeth” It was so rewarding to hear that and I couldn’t believe how polite she was!
Now it is my third class of the day, they are 1st graders and they came in very quietly. My CT said Morning First Graders come on in. This class has combined 2 first grade classes into one art class. They are painting their bug paintings today. They started painting last time but she reviewed how they will be painting and the materials they need to use. Grab a pint shirt, fill a cup with a small amount of water, then they can pick up only one color at a time and then bring back the paint before they grab a different color. She explained how with watercolor paint looks like it might be empty but it is not. And when they are done she discussed how to cleanup and clean the brushes. She had the students line up by calling out shirt colors. For instance if you are wearing a purple shirt you can line up and so on. One of the students was acting very shy around me.
When I was walking around the room to ask students which class they liked best and which projects they enjoyed the most many of them said art and said they enjoyed the project they were doing now. 

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