Thursday, March 28, 2013


This discussion was all about applying for jobs and information about the job that we may not have known. Some people like online applications and others still like a hard copy so if you are unsure then you should send both! He stressed the importance of presentation and preparation! Everyone likes and looks for different things in applications, resumes, dress, and knowledge. But in an interview you should ask questions and be aware of each schools trends. If you are unaware of a question they ask it is alright as long as you take a minute to reflect and answer intelligently. He talked about how the pay scale has changed now with Act 10 and now we must create annual portfolios to show student learning and your progress if you would like a pay raise. (Notes from class are below)

Start Preparing for job interviews:

- website for job openings
- Look at school websites for job openings
- WeCan website upload all your information on that site!

What Jobs should I apply for:
- Apply everywhere (don't be to selective)
- Practice interviews, interview at every school to get some practice

- Cover Letter! This will get you the interview!
        1) Make sure you change your address at the top of the cover letter to the school you are applying for (re-adjust things for the school)
        2) Research the school and what they practice in there school (ex. 8 hour days/block schedules)
        3) Show that you know things about the school you are applying for
        4) Talk about when you have worked with students (Talk about students)
- Resume
       1) Be short and to the point
       2) List your education and licenses you have or minors you have
       3) Possibly list High school you attended and GPA (but keep it simple)

- If you are in an interview and you don't know the answer to the question then just say "I don't know at this time"
- Research trends!
- List if you have RTI experience (Great experience should be listed)
- Reading across the curriculum (students should be able to read and write in that content)
- Liven up resume a little bit (very subtile changes to show creativity)
- Send what the school is asking for
         1) Official Transcripts
         2)  Resume
         3) Cover Letter
         4) Letters of recommendations


- Send in Paper copies (some like you to send it in electronic form but it is rare)
- Letters of recommendations should be from cooperating teachers, university program director, former employers(if you can't find 3   educators use former employers)
-  Call to check if your resume had arrived but only talk to the secretary do not ask for the principal (call to see if they have filled the position after a month to 6 weeks later)
- There will be a closing date for the applications
- Go in the middle or at the later slot so they still remember you
- Have everything prepared for the interview! Interviews are long and you need to know everything

Preparation for the interview
- Check online for possible questions
- Talk to Tami about the interview
- Write down questions that they asked in the interview! Next interview be more prepared
- Hand write out your answer, then transfer it into the outline, memorize everything
- Make friends with the secretary
-  Leave your phone in the car
- Its ok to be nervous
- "Tell us a little about yourself?" (this is the first question that is often asked so be PREPARED!)
- Take a pause to answer the question. Say let me just pause for a moment to think about the question.
- If you don't know an answer then say "I don't know but it is something I will look up after the interview."
- Show your portfolio in the second interview.
- Second interview you might have to teach a short lesson
- If you get the rejection call then get it together and be kind, thank them for the opportunity, and ask if there are any other openings.
- Schools talk to each other so be nice
- It is ok to take time to think about it (you don't have to accept the job during that phone call)
- Act 10?

Ask questions at the end of the interview:
- "Do you see this position here being long term?"
- Have thoughtful questions ready
- Wait until the second interview to ask about pay and benefits with you
- Be carful when you sign the contract if you have other jobs you have already applied for
- Danielson Model
- Educators Effectiveness Model
       1) Collect Data and look for student growth
       2) How will you measure your students growth
       3) Work with other teachers to show improvement
       4) Paid by performance

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Presentation Day 2

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

P21= readiness for each student. The 4C's (Thinking Communication, Collaboration, Creativity) and the 3R's (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic)

Assess using 21st century skills! Computers and updating new knowledge and technologies.

Professional Development: Be prepared and up to date on new technologies and there uses, and new ideas and innovations in our world.
Learning Environment: Collaborate between educators, How does this relate to your real life or future life, be aware of global literacy.

DBAE= Discipline Based Art Education

Art history, Art Production, Aesthetics, Art Criticism 

Written Curriculum Plan
1. Written Lessons
2. Organization (skills and concepts building on one another)
3. Engagement with artists from many cultures
4. Content is balanced among the four disciplines
5. Age-appropriate leaning activities

Visual Culture Studies (VCS)
- Self-esteem
- Be able to critique in the media
- Understand their peers work
- Learn how it works in the world around us

Everything is Visual Culture!

Walker Art Center
- Contemporary Art
1. Appropriation (Practice of making a new piece of art through the borrowing of pre-existing images)
2. Time
3. Performance (Activity related to motion or actions)
4. Space (Manipulate Space)
5. Hybridity (Combination of different materials)


Eric Jensen Tittle: Teaching with Poverty in Mind

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stacey Everson (Middle School Principal)

Exploratory Courses are things like Art, Music, and P.E.

RTI= Response To Intervention

Many times Art and other exploratory classes are the reason that many students come to school.

Many students get pulled out of your class to get extra help in Reading and/or Math

Art needs to incorporate Reading and Math

Make students love to learn! Help students to work with their learning style and engage them in school. Collaboration is important in school, getting to know your students and how they are doing in their classes is important and to do that you must work with other core teachers.

When applying for a job go to their website and look at their curriculum and teaching and student population and ext.

Teaching with Poverty in Mind
If you don't feed the teacher they will eat the students

Chis Devony
Carol Ann Thomason

PLC at Work (conference)

Bob Mezono
Richard and Becky Devor

Wisconsin RTI
What is being expected of teachers

If you have questions or want materials in your class such as books go to your principal!

Love your Job and Content area
Love for art and have creative Ideas
Use the word LOVE
Look good on Paper! Resume must be Flawless and stand out in a professional way! GPA Important!
Know what RTI is and the history of it. What is being talked about!
Have Passion (if you have more candidates competing for a job tell them that No One will be more passionate than I!)
Talk about something interesting in what you read lately.
HAVE QUESTIONS! At the end of an interview ask questions but NEVER about MONEY!
Have a philosophy in mind with examples
Talk about experiences!
Have a technology portfolio and a physical portfolio
Letters of recommendation must be well written! Make sure they know you! Don't send copies of it.
Show that you go above and beyond (coaching, NAEA, helped special needs)

-  Don't say I don't know, change it to what you do know.
-  READ BOOKS! NEVER say I don't like to read.

-  Scarlet Daneiels Domains
-  Wisconsin Teachers Standards
-  Principals should give feed back
-  Real life vitality= teach students how this can help them in their future or help them outside of the classroom
-  Have verbal and Visuals on the wall.
-  Class should be broken down, keep instructions to 10min or less and get them engaged in the lesson. Lectures only lose the students. Students must get involved
-  Have classroom management, take control, but also allow students to interact with hands on learning, then review.
-  Intrigue students with fun dress up games or fun pizzaz. End class with the same intrigue.
- 80-20 rule. Students should be talking 80% of the time, teachers only 20%.
-  When students line up at the door it means they are not using time wisely and they are not as engaged in the lesson.
-  Art clubs! Summer School!

Community involvement is a HUGE importance!!! Engage the families and then they can better support you! Have parent days. Art Shows. Weebly sites! Reach out to parents.

WE ARE ALL EFFECTED BY STUDENT TESTING! We need to incorporate reading and math into our lessons to help the school.

SLO= Student Learning Objectives

Student teaching is your time to make mistakes and be bold and try new things! New teachers have problems with classroom management! Observe other classrooms as well to learn more classroom management techniques! Non-vilolent crisis training seminar.

Ask to go to seminars. Get time off to go and get more educated.

Avoid Power struggles!

Get to know your administrators and other staff members! Don't hide in your classroom! Ask questions, and reach out to students and staff! Be Openminded!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Trends in Education

PLC= Professional Learning Community

Cooperative Learning!

Ongoing process where teachers work collaboratively to enhance student learning.
-Shared values and vision
- Collaborative Culture
- Focus on examining outcomes to improve learning
- Share teaching styles

  - Struggling students fall behind
  - Whole class falls behind

  -Raise awareness of student learning abilities
  - Address students learning immediately
  - Require students to get help rather than ask them to get help
  - Collaborate with teachers to help students

-Outside contexts of the classroom
- Improve classroom environment
- Individually analysis student progress
- Converse frequently
- Find a will
- Data Driven
- Bad data is still data
- Compare data and respond (see what works and what doesn't work)
- Discuss student learning as teams
- Practice tests
- Formal assessment
- Don't isolate yourself, converse with other teachers and find a solution to help students
- Understand standards

RTI= Response to Intervention

On-going student assessment
- 3 Tiered program

    Tier 1: Core instructions

    Tier 2: Targeted Group Interventions

    Tier 3: Intense, Individual Interventions

    Parental Involvement

My role as the art teacher is to know what Tier they are on and have knowledge of my students! Art is just a small part of what I do, the real responsibility is for my students to succeed in school. 

PBIS= Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Also known as SWPBIS= School Wide PBIS

4 Categories:
- Data
- Measurable Outcomes
- Practices
- Systems

All Evidence Based

Constant routines

Reward Systems

Know your students, know what tier they are on.

Responsive classroom

- Fun activities called morning meetings to get to know each other and our students

UBD= Understanding by Design

- Focus on curriculum and teaching to develop students understanding.
- UBD promotes a "backward" design process that begins with identifying the enduring understandings that students should carry from the class.

1. Focus on what you want your students to learn
2. how can you assess the project
3. have a project that shows the outcome.

Common Core State Standards

Race to the top

UDL= Universal Design for Learning

- Curriculum that can be used and understood by everyone
- Studies ...?

Three Principes of UDL
1. Recognition the "what" of learning
  - Provide options for student engagement
2. Skill and strategy the "How" of learning
   - Provide options for students
3. Caring and Prioritizing the "Why" of learning
   - Provide options for student engagement